Screening Equipment

Screening is the process of separating materials by size, shape, or other characteristics. It removes impurities and unwanted materials, and it also separates materials into different grades. Screening ensures that the material reaches the market in the correct shape, quality, and size. 

Screening equipment can be wet or dry. Dry screening relies on gravity and vibrations to separate material based on various properties (shape, density, and size).  Dry screening is best used for low-moisture and fine material. Wet screening uses spray nozzles, water, and screen vibration to separate material. Wet screening is helpful for high moisture and coarse material. 

A-1 Mining can assist with a variety of high-performance screening equipment:

  • Clarifiers
  • Agitators
  • Filtration
  • Disc filters
  • Scrubbers
  • Classifiers
  • Color sorting
  • Screens (vibrating, trommel, grizzly, high frequency)
  • Ore Color Sorter – sorts and separates ores based on color and removes impurities and low-grade materials. This increases the yield and quality of the ores.